Up-Cycled Light Bulbs

One of the best things about being a mom in the summer is the fistfuls of flowering weeds that I get from my loving boys.  Dandelions always remind me of how much they think of me.  However, they are so tiny and so plentiful that I never have enough bud vases for them.  A perfect (free) solution… the light bulb.  We always are throwing them out and they are super easy to hallow out of you have ginger hands.  So break that capped end with duck nosed plyers, pull out the insides, wrap and glue some wire around the neck to hang the bulb and viola…. Instant (free) bud vases.  Something I would like to try when I have a reason for a photo back drop is to hang a bunch with colored water and see the light play off all the colors…… Please take this idea as inspiration if you have the time and hands to make it, or visit my Shop section to buy some pre-made ones that I have saved from a horrible life in the trash can.